Foundation Principles


Purposes of test: Instructions for this test are as follows:
Answer each question with either True [T] or False [F] by checking the appropriate column. Check the left column for True and the right column for False.

Set One
1. Man is basically good and therefore doesn't need a saviour.
2. There is more than one way to get to Heaven. 
3. No one can be sure about what the Scriptures say.
4. There is only one foundation, which is Jesus the Christ who came in the flesh.
5. We are to be watchful of what we build upon the foundation.
Set Two
1. If a person does enough good works, he will off balance what he does bad.
2. If someone believes in God, it is enough to get to heaven.
3. Repentance means that one feels sorry for what they have done wrong.
4. Dead works are any works that one does to earn his salvation or to keep it.
5. A Christian also needs to repent when he has a wrong attitude.

Set Three
1. Faith in yourself is just as good as faith in God.
2. We must make a commitment to Jesus as our Lord before he becomes our saviour.
3. Faith that is not accompanied by good works is not really living faith.
4. Faith is believing that God will do what He says that He will do in His Word.
5. One way to express one's faith is by keeping the commandments of God.

Set Four
1. It is essential for a Believer to be baptized in water in order to go to heaven.
2. By spiritual baptism, a Believer is joined unto Christ in his death and resurrection.
3. By water baptism, the Believer identifies with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.
4. One must be baptized in the Holy Spirit to be filled with and empowered by the Spirit.
5. A Believer will also at times experience the baptism of suffering.

Set Five
1. One may consider the "hands" as a symbol of the power and authority of a person.
2. God may use the laying on of hands to transfer a gift of the Spirit to another person.
3. A Believer may receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. 
4. People may receive healing through the laying on of hands.
5. The early Church set people apart for ministry through the laying on of hands.

Set Six
1. Every person that dies will some day be resurrected from the dead.
2. Some people were temporarily raised from the dead before Jesus' resurrection.
3. If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christians are deceived and have no hope.
4. Jesus was raised from the dead that a Believer might live as though he has never sinned.
5. Some will be resurrected to eternal destruction and others to everlasting life.

Set Seven
1. Because God judged the devil for rebellion, God must also judge man for his rebellion.
2. Hell is just a way to explain the annihilation of evil men.
3. A loving God would never send anyone to hell.
4. A Believer will spend eternity with God in Heaven, based upon faith in the work of Jesus.
5. A Believer will gain or lose rewards based upon his obedience in this life.

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