Java Personality Test


This is meant to be a novelty, fun test where you meet three different characters: one who is PASSIVE, one who is ASSERTIVE, and one who is AGGRESSIVE.

Each character will express his/her personality trait in the form of a somewhat unique dialogue.

As you compare their statements to those that you might make, you may discover your type of personality: passive, assertive, or aggressive.

*Once you enter the test, you will need to close the page to get out.

From a Biblical perspective, Eli was very passive in his relationship to his sons when they sinned  (I Samuel 3:13).  Jesus is an good example of someone who was assertive (Matthew 7:28-29).  James and John (the sons of thunder) are good examples of those who are aggressive (Luke 9:54-56).

The assertive personality is the ideal when dealing with other people.  However, there is a place for spiritual aggression toward the powers of the devil.

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